Season 1 :Episode 3

EcoHacking our future: A French castle, 100 instigators + a big mission

I had the pleasure of talking to Benjamin Tincq about the inspirational and progressive things he’s doing around climate change, harnessing the momentum of the maker and open source communities.

Benjamin Tincq, co-founder of OuiShare, is harnessing the momentum of the maker and open source communities to accelerate solutions for sustainable living. I had the pleasure of talking to Benjamin at OuiShare about the inspirational and progressive things he’s doing around climate change.

There’s a natural fit between open-source thinking and mitigating the negative impacts of climate change. Open source technologies allow for decentralized fabrication and distribution of products. In other words, at its heart is the philosophy “reduce, reuse, and recycle.”

When I spoke with Benjamin, his innovation incubator POC21 was just around the corner. Proof of Concept 21 brings together more than a hundred members of the maker community in a fabrication laboratory, or “fab lab,” in an old French castle. Over five weeks participants rapidly prototype products using open-source technologies. POC21 will launch the 12 most innovative products in an IKEA-style catalog.

The timing is no accident. In December, global leaders will meet in Paris for the climate summit (COP21) to discuss climate change and generate meaningful solutions to dramatically reduce the carbon emissions causing climate change. Benjamin is not as intent on having the products influence decisions at the COP as he is on using the current conversation to spark interest from audiences outside of the maker community and policymaking circles.

Be sure to connect with Benjamin on Twitter.

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