
This book is a think-through. It’s a meditation on how our ‘operating system’ is in dire need of an update. A global update.

It’s a consideration of the massive change we are in the midst of and how this will impact every aspect of how we work, play and think.

Something big has been emerging these last six-ish years. It’s come across your radar under a handful of names: the occupy movement, circular economy, artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Collaborative Economy, peer marketplaces, p2p banking, connected economy, sharing economy, mutualism, platform cooperativism, collaborative society and I’m certain I’ve missed a few…

Technology has brought us closer and made us and some of our precious things visible. We’re less obsessed with always owning and are tapping into and contributing spare value or excess capacity. Pliable two-sided marketplaces are stretching to reshape how we experience travel, colleagues and core parts of our perpetually morphing supply chain. We are designing and building vehicles, tools, buildings, communities, meals and value of all kinds, newly and together.

It’s increasingly a game of us + them.

Download my new free ebook to start understanding the topography of this landscape of instigators and changes.